PAYE Modernisation Web Services

As part of PAYE Modernisation, a number of web services are provided to allow employers to report to Revenue payroll, expense and benefit data. Payroll web services are provided to allow reporting to Revenue to be integrated into an employer’s payroll run. Enhanced reporting requirement (ERR) web services are provided to allow reporting to Revenue to be integrated into an employer’s expense and benefit run. An overview of these web services can be viewed on this technical overview page. The technical documentation, specifications, and web services examples below are provided as support for these live web services. They will enable software developers to update their software packages to be compatible with the live web services, in order to facilitate employers’ reporting obligations. The technical documentation is detailed below.

There are two PIT Environments available to software developers. The first PIT environment is a representation of the live environment, with functionality kept up to date with the functionality currently available in the live environment. The second PIT environment is the PIT Next Version environment, which will contain upcoming functionality that is pertinent for developers to test their software ahead of the live release.

Enhanced Reporting Requirements Web Services

As part of Enhanced Reporting Requirements, a number of web services will be provided in the future to allow for reporting of this information to Revenue. An overview of the web services to be provided can be viewed in the ERR Technical Support Documentation section on this page. The technical documentation, specifications, and web services examples are provided to support integration of future live web services for ERR. This page is under construction, with more documents and further updates to come as the project progresses.

Document Description
Date Last Updated
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Support Facilities

Revenue provides a Help Desk facility for software developers. To register for this facility go here.

Once registered with the Help Desk you can:

  • Get access to the Public Interface Testing facility for PAYE Modernisation
  • Raise technical issues encountered while validating your files using the PIT facility
  • Raise queries in relation to the PAYE Web Service Specifications, Supporting Documentation or PAYE Web Service Examples
This documentation is served from Revenue's GitHub PAYE Modernisation repository, which can be found here.