RPN Schema
RPN Schema
Employer's Lookup RPN Request.
Employer's Lookup RPN Response. Will either return RPN detail or details of validation errors.
Request for RPN details for new employee(s).
Employer's New RPN Response. Will either return RPN detail or details of validation errors.
Complex Types
Complex TypeDescription
Unique references to an employment for an employee. Includes EmployeePPSN and Employment ID.
Standard Validation error.
Employer's Lookup RPN Request.
Employer's Lookup RPN Response. Will either return RPN detail or details of validation errors.
Employee Name.
Details of employees who require a new RPN.
Request for RPN details for new employee(s).
Employer's New RPN Response. Will either return RPN detail or details of validation errors.
The range of RPN to be retrieved.
Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) for an employment for an employee
References to third party software used.
Details of Tax Rates and Rate Cut Offs
Details of USC Rate.