ERN Schema
LookUpERNRequest Complex Type
ERN Schema : LookUpERNRequest Complex Type
Enhanced Reporting Notification Request.
PPSN Element TaxYear Element Version Element Name Element Sequence SoftwareUsed Element AgentTain Element EmployerRegistrationNumber Element Sequence LookUpERNRequest Complex Type
Enhanced Reporting Notification Request.
EmployerRegistrationNumber employerReg Simple Type
Employer's PAYE Registration Number.
AgentTain optional agentTAIN Simple Type
Tax Advisor Identification Number. Required if ERN is queried by agent on behalf of employer.
SoftwareUsed SoftwareUsed Complex Type
References to third party software used to lookup ERN.
Name NonEmptyString Simple Type
Name of third party software product.
Version NonEmptyString Simple Type
Version of third party software product.
TaxYear taxYear Simple Type
The tax year to which the ERN lookup relates (YYYY).
PPSN 1..∞ EmployeePPSN Simple Type
List of PPSNs for search.
Used By
LookUpERNRequest Element
<xs:complexType name="LookUpERNRequest" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Enhanced Reporting Notification Request.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="EmployerRegistrationNumber" type="pc:employerReg">
        <xs:documentation>Employer's PAYE Registration Number.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="AgentTain" type="pc:agentTAIN" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Tax Advisor Identification Number. Required if ERN is queried by agent on behalf of employer.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="SoftwareUsed" type="pn:SoftwareUsed">
        <xs:documentation>References to third party software used to lookup ERN.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="TaxYear" type="pc:taxYear">
        <xs:documentation>The tax year to which the ERN lookup relates (YYYY).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="PPSN" type="pc:EmployeePPSN" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>List of PPSNs for search.</xs:documentation>
See Also
ERN Schema