Enhanced Reporting Schema
Enhanced Reporting Schema
Request to check the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Run, based on the Run Reference.
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Run. Includes list of submissions that make up the run and includes summary details of processed submissions.
Request to check the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission, based on the Submission ID.
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission. If processed, includes summary totals of valid data items and validation errors for invalid data items.
Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission Request.
Acknowledges the receipt of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission Request, or Validation Errors if validation failed.
Request to get a monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions.
Return the monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions.
Complex Types
Complex TypeDescription
The address of the employee. This will be mandatory if the PPSN isn’t available.
Category breakdown information.
Request to check the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Run, based on the RunReference.
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Run. Includes list of submissions that make up the run and includes summary details of processed submissions.
Request to check the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission, based on the Submission ID.
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission. If processed, includes summary totals of valid data items and validation errors for invalid data items.
Unique references to an employment for an employee. Includes PPSN and Employment ID.
Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission Request.
Acknowledges the receipt of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission Request, or Validation Errors if validation failed.
Details of validation check failure.
Standard Validation error with identification element.
Individual Expense Benefit details for Enhanced Reporting submission.
High Level details of the Enhanced Reporting Submissions that make up the Run.
Summary totals and count across valid line items for an Enhanced Reporting Submission.
Summary totals for an individual Expense Benefit in an Enhanced Reporting Submission or Run.
Detail of Invalid Expense Benefit.
Request to get a monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions, based on the month provided.
Return the monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions. Includes list of submissions that make up the run and includes summary details of processed submissions.
Employee Name.
Run reference breakdown information.
Third party software product identifier.
Sub-category breakdown information.
Required header level elements for an Enhanced Reporting Submission.
Details of validation check warning.
Validation warning identified at Expense Benefit/Line Item Level.