Enhanced Reporting Schema
CheckErrSubmissionResponse Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema : CheckErrSubmissionResponse Element
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission. If processed, includes summary totals of valid data items and validation errors for invalid data items.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
CheckErrSubmissionResponse Complex Type
Id Element Description Element Path Element Code Element Sequence ValidationError Element Description Element Path Element Code Element Sequence Warning Element LineItemID Element Sequence WarningExpenseBenefit Element Description Element Path Element Code Element Sequence Error Element LineItemID Element Sequence InvalidExpenseBenefit Element ExpensesBenefitsToDeleteCount Element ExpensesBenefitsCount Element Amount Element Sequence ExpenseBenefitSubmissionSummary Element Version Element Name Element Sequence SoftwareUsed Element TaxYear Element EnhancedReportingRunReference Element AgentTain Element EmployerRegistrationNumber Element Sequence SubmissionHeader Element Status Element SubmissionID Element Sequence CheckErrSubmissionResponse Element
CheckErrSubmissionResponse CheckErrSubmissionResponse Complex Type
Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission. If processed, includes summary totals of valid data items and validation errors for invalid data items.
SubmissionID submissionID Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 3. Unique Submission ID of the Employer Enhanced Reporting Submission. Used to identify individual submissions.
Status submissionProcessingStatus Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. Current Status of Enhanced Reporting Submission. Possible values are Pending or Completed.
SubmissionHeader SubmissionHeader Complex Type
Header elements that were included in submission that is being checked.
EmployerRegistrationNumber employerReg Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 1. Employer's PAYE Registration Number.
AgentTain optional agentTAIN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 2. Tax Advisor Identification Number. Required if submission is filed by agent on behalf of employer.
EnhancedReportingRunReference enhancedReportingRunReference Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 4. Enhanced Reporting Run Reference. Used to identify the event to which the submission refers.
TaxYear taxYear Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 6. Tax year to which the submission relates (YYYY).
SoftwareUsed SoftwareUsed Complex Type
Data Item Refs: 7 and 8. Third party software product identifier.
Name NonEmptyString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 7. Name of third party software product.
Version NonEmptyString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 8. Version of third party software product.
ExpenseBenefitSubmissionSummary optional ExpenseBenefitSubmissionSummary Complex Type
Summary totals for Expense Benefit Submission. Included when submission has completed processing.
Amount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: N/A. Total amount across valid line items on submission.
ExpensesBenefitsCount xs:unsignedInt
Data Item Ref: N/A. Total number of line items included on submission.
ExpensesBenefitsToDeleteCount xs:unsignedInt
Total number of Expense Benefit line item IDs for deletion included on submission.
InvalidExpenseBenefit 0..∞ InvalidExpenseBenefit Complex Type
List of Invalid Expense Benefits (if any). Any in this list will not have been saved.
LineItemID expenseBenefitLineItemID Simple Type
LineItemID of the Expense Benefit containing validation errors.
Error 1..∞ Error Complex Type
List of validation errors related to the Expense Benefit.
Code errorCode Simple Type
Technical Error Code - to be used for mapping to error messages.
Path optional errorPath Simple Type
Path to error in schema, if available.
Description errorDescription Simple Type
Technical description of error.
WarningExpenseBenefit 0..∞ WarningExpenseBenefit Complex Type
List of Expense Benefit Warnings (if any) associated with Valid submission. Any in this list will have been saved.
LineItemID expenseBenefitLineItemID Simple Type
LineItemID of the Expense Benefit containing validation warnings.
Warning 1..∞ Warning Complex Type
List of validation warnings related to the Expense Benefit.
Code warningCode Simple Type
Technical Code for warning - to be used for mapping to warning messages.
Path optional warningPath Simple Type
Path to warning in schema, if available.
Description warningDescription Simple Type
Technical description of warning.
ValidationError 0..∞ ErrorWithId Complex Type
List of Errors (if any) on the CheckErrSubmissionRequest. Validations are returned with an id field where a lineItem deletion validation error has occurred and the lineItem needs to be specified.
Code errorCode Simple Type
Technical Error Code - to be used for mapping to error messages.
Path optional errorPath Simple Type
Path to error in schema, if available.
Description errorDescription Simple Type
Description of error - to be used for support.
Id errorId Simple Type
Optional ID for error - to be used when multiple customers are validated.
<xs:element name="CheckErrSubmissionResponse" type="pp:CheckErrSubmissionResponse" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>Return the current status of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting Submission. If processed, includes summary totals of valid data items and validation errors for invalid data items.</xs:documentation>
See Also
Enhanced Reporting Schema