Enhanced Reporting Schema
MonthlyErrReportResponse Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema : MonthlyErrReportResponse Element
Return the monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex Type
TotalAmount Element SubmissionDate Element RunReference Element Sequence RunReferenceBreakdown Element TotalAmount Element SubCategoryType Element Sequence SubCategoryBreakdown Element TotalAmount Element CategoryType Element Sequence CategoryBreakdown Element TotalAmount Element NumberOfExpensesBenefits Element DateTimeEffective Element Month Element TaxYear Element AgentTain Element EmployerRegistrationNumber Element Sequence MonthlyErrReportResponse Element
MonthlyErrReportResponse MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex Type
Return the monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions.
EmployerRegistrationNumber employerReg Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 307. Employer's PAYE Registration Number. Used to identify employer to which the period details relate.
AgentTain optional agentTAIN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 308. Used to identify the agent requesting on behalf of the employer and to ensure that an agent link exists for this employer agent relationship for the period that the request relates to.
TaxYear taxYear Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 309. Tax year that the expenses/benefits report is being requested for.
Month month Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 310. Month to process for report breakdown.
DateTimeEffective xs:dateTime
Data Item Ref: N/A. The date and time the report was requested.
NumberOfExpensesBenefits xs:integer
Data Item Ref: 311. The number of expenses/benefits accounted for in the requested report.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 312. The overall total expenses/benefits reported for the requested month. (Only expense/benefit figures with pay dates in the selected month are included in this total).
CategoryBreakdown 0..∞ CategoryBreakdown Complex Type
List of category breakdowns containing the submission totals by category for the given month.
CategoryType category Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 313. Identifies the category.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 314. The total expenses/benefits reported for that category in the requested month.
SubCategoryBreakdown 0..∞ SubCategoryBreakdown Complex Type
List of sub-category breakdowns containing the submission totals.
SubCategoryType subcategory Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 315. Identifies the sub category if applicable.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 316. The total expenses/benefits reported for that sub category in the requested month.
RunReferenceBreakdown 0..∞ RunReferenceBreakdown Complex Type
List of run reference breakdowns containing the run total for the given month and the date the run was last updated.
RunReference defaultString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 317. The reference number identifies a specific ERR run.
SubmissionDate xs:date
Data Item Ref: 318. The date the ERR run was submitted/last updated. This date may relate to a submission outside of the month provided.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 319. The total expenses/benefits reported in the ERR Run with pay dates in the requested month.
<xs:element name="MonthlyErrReportResponse" type="pp:MonthlyErrReportResponse" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>Return the monthly report of an Employer's PAYE Enhanced Reporting submissions.</xs:documentation>
See Also
Enhanced Reporting Schema