Enhanced Reporting Schema
ExpenseBenefitSummary Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema > CheckErrRunResponse Complex Type : ExpenseBenefitSummary Element
Summary details of individual Expense Benefits that make up the Expense Benefit Run.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
ExpenseBenefitSummary Complex Type
Amount Element SubCategory Element Category Element EmployerReference Element EmploymentID Element EmployeePPSN Element Sequence EmployeeID Element LineItemID Element Sequence ExpenseBenefitSummary Element
ExpenseBenefitSummary 0..∞ ExpenseBenefitSummary Complex Type
Summary details of individual Expense Benefits that make up the Expense Benefit Run.
LineItemID expenseBenefitLineItemID Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 5. Used to uniquely identify individual line items.
EmployeeID optional EmployeeID Complex Type
Data Item Refs: 9 and 15. Unique references to an employment for an employee. Includes PPSN and Employment ID.
EmployeePPSN EmployeePPSN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 9. Employee's PPS Number.
EmploymentID employmentID Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 15. Employment ID. Unique identifier for each distinct employment for an employee. To be set by the employer.
EmployerReference optional employerReference Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 14. Employee's internal staff identifier/reference. This will be mandatory if the PPSN isn’t available and must remain unchanged in all submissions received until the PPSN is available. Optional if PPSN is available.
Category category Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 18. Category of Expense Benefit. Possible values are Travel and Subsistence, Remote Working Daily Allowance, Small Benefits Exemption.
SubCategory optional subcategory Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 19. Subcategory of Expense Benefit. Will be mandatory if relevant category is selected. Possible values for Travel and Subsistence category are Travel Vouched, Travel Unvouched, Subsistence Vouched, Subsistence Unvouched, Site Based Employees, Emergency Travel, Eating on Site, Advance Payment.
Amount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 17. Total amount for this Expense Benefit on submission.
<xs:element name="ExpenseBenefitSummary" type="pp:ExpenseBenefitSummary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>Summary details of individual Expense Benefits that make up the Expense Benefit Run.</xs:documentation>
See Also
CheckErrRunResponse Complex TypeEnhanced Reporting Schema