Enhanced Reporting Schema
SubmissionHeader Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema > CheckErrSubmissionResponse Complex Type : SubmissionHeader Element
Header elements that were included in submission that is being checked.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
SubmissionHeader Complex Type
Version Element Name Element Sequence SoftwareUsed Element TaxYear Element EnhancedReportingRunReference Element AgentTain Element EmployerRegistrationNumber Element Sequence SubmissionHeader Element
SubmissionHeader SubmissionHeader Complex Type
Header elements that were included in submission that is being checked.
EmployerRegistrationNumber employerReg Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 1. Employer's PAYE Registration Number.
AgentTain optional agentTAIN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 2. Tax Advisor Identification Number. Required if submission is filed by agent on behalf of employer.
EnhancedReportingRunReference enhancedReportingRunReference Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 4. Enhanced Reporting Run Reference. Used to identify the event to which the submission refers.
TaxYear taxYear Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 6. Tax year to which the submission relates (YYYY).
SoftwareUsed SoftwareUsed Complex Type
Data Item Refs: 7 and 8. Third party software product identifier.
Name NonEmptyString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 7. Name of third party software product.
Version NonEmptyString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 8. Version of third party software product.
<xs:element name="SubmissionHeader" type="pp:SubmissionHeader" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>Header elements that were included in submission that is being checked.</xs:documentation>
See Also
CheckErrSubmissionResponse Complex TypeEnhanced Reporting Schema