Enhanced Reporting Schema
CategoryBreakdown Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema > MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex Type : CategoryBreakdown Element
List of category breakdowns containing the submission totals by category for the given month.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
CategoryBreakdown Complex Type
TotalAmount Element SubCategoryType Element Sequence SubCategoryBreakdown Element TotalAmount Element CategoryType Element Sequence CategoryBreakdown Element
CategoryBreakdown 0..∞ CategoryBreakdown Complex Type
List of category breakdowns containing the submission totals by category for the given month.
CategoryType category Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 313. Identifies the category.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 314. The total expenses/benefits reported for that category in the requested month.
SubCategoryBreakdown 0..∞ SubCategoryBreakdown Complex Type
List of sub-category breakdowns containing the submission totals.
SubCategoryType subcategory Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 315. Identifies the sub category if applicable.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 316. The total expenses/benefits reported for that sub category in the requested month.
<xs:element name="CategoryBreakdown" type="pp:CategoryBreakdown" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>List of category breakdowns containing the submission totals by category for the given month.</xs:documentation>
See Also
MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex TypeEnhanced Reporting Schema