Enhanced Reporting Schema
RunReferenceBreakdown Element
Enhanced Reporting Schema > MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex Type : RunReferenceBreakdown Element
List of run reference breakdowns containing the run total for the given month and the date the run was last updated.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/err/v1/enhanced_reporting/
RunReferenceBreakdown Complex Type
TotalAmount Element SubmissionDate Element RunReference Element Sequence RunReferenceBreakdown Element
RunReferenceBreakdown 0..∞ RunReferenceBreakdown Complex Type
List of run reference breakdowns containing the run total for the given month and the date the run was last updated.
RunReference defaultString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 317. The reference number identifies a specific ERR run.
SubmissionDate xs:date
Data Item Ref: 318. The date the ERR run was submitted/last updated. This date may relate to a submission outside of the month provided.
TotalAmount xs:decimal
Data Item Ref: 319. The total expenses/benefits reported in the ERR Run with pay dates in the requested month.
<xs:element name="RunReferenceBreakdown" type="pp:RunReferenceBreakdown" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>List of run reference breakdowns containing the run total for the given month and the date the run was last updated.</xs:documentation>
See Also
MonthlyErrReportResponse Complex TypeEnhanced Reporting Schema