ERN Schema
LookUpERNResponse Element
ERN Schema : LookUpERNResponse Element
Enhanced Reporting Notification Request Response.
LookUpERNResponse Complex Type
Id Element Description Element Path Element Code Element Sequence ValidationError Element NoERN Element EmploymentCeased Element FamilyName Element FirstName Element Sequence Name Element EmploymentID Element EmployeePPSN Element Sequence EmployeeID Element Sequence ERN Element DateTimeEffective Element TotalERNCount Element TaxYear Element AgentTain Element EmployerRegistrationNumber Element EmployerName Element Sequence LookUpERNResponse Element
LookUpERNResponse LookUpERNResponse Complex Type
Enhanced Reporting Notification Request Response.
EmployerName defaultString Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. The official name of the employer.
EmployerRegistrationNumber employerReg Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. Employer's PAYE Registration Number.
AgentTain optional agentTAIN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. Tax Advisor Identification Number. Required if ERN queried by agent on behalf of employer.
TaxYear dateYear Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. The tax year to which the ERN lookup relates (YYYY).
TotalERNCount xs:unsignedInt
Data Item Ref: N/A. The total number of ERNs that are associated with the ERN request submitted.
DateTimeEffective xs:dateTime
Data Item Ref: N/A. The date and time the ERN was requested.
ERN 0..∞ ERN Complex Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. List of valid ERNs.
EmployeeID EmployeeID Complex Type
Employee's PPS Number and Employment ID (if available).
EmployeePPSN EmployeePPSN Simple Type
Employee's PPS Number.
EmploymentID optional employmentID Simple Type
Employment ID. Unique identifier for each distinct employment for an employee. To be set by the employer.
Name optional Name Complex Type
The employee name.
FirstName defaultString Simple Type
The first name of the employee.
FamilyName defaultString Simple Type
The surname/family name of the employee.
EmploymentCeased xs:boolean
Employment ceased marker.
NoERN 0..∞ EmployeePPSN Simple Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. EmployeePPSNs of employees who do not currently have an employment associated with the employer.
ValidationError 0..∞ ErrorWithId Complex Type
Data Item Ref: N/A. List of Validation errors (if any) on the Look Up ERN request. Validations are returned with an id field where a PPSN provided is invalid. The id field will not be present where PPSN processing is not reached e.g. No RPN found for the employer.
Code errorCode Simple Type
Technical Error Code - to be used for mapping to error messages.
Path optional errorPath Simple Type
Path to error in schema, if available.
Description errorDescription Simple Type
Description of error - to be used for support.
Id errorId Simple Type
Optional ID for error - to be used when multiple customers are validated.
<xs:element name="LookUpERNResponse" type="pn:LookUpERNResponse" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Enhanced Reporting Notification Request Response.</xs:documentation>
See Also
ERN Schema