RPN Schema
YearlyTaxCredits Element
RPN Schema > RPN Complex Type : YearlyTaxCredits Element
Data Item Ref: 118. Net Tax Credits. Amount of tax credits available to the employee for the year the RPN relates to. Amount of tax credits available for use in the PAYE calculation.
Namespace http://www.ros.ie/schemas/paye-employers/v1/rpn/
defaultDecimal Simple Type
YearlyTaxCredits Element
YearlyTaxCredits defaultDecimal Simple Type
Data Item Ref: 118. Net Tax Credits. Amount of tax credits available to the employee for the year the RPN relates to. Amount of tax credits available for use in the PAYE calculation.
<xs:element name="YearlyTaxCredits" type="pc:defaultDecimal" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>Data Item Ref: 118. Net Tax Credits. Amount of tax credits available to the employee for the year the RPN relates to. Amount of tax credits available for use in the PAYE calculation.</xs:documentation>
See Also
RPN Complex TypeRPN Schema